Thursday 29 August 2013

Results of Prayers

Greetings to all in this official letter with apologies to those who do not use email and so have not had news for a long time. If you now use email please send me an email and I will add you to the list.

It’s now almost 2 years since I was home for treatment for breast cancer and then for my mum. God has been so good to us both and we are still serving the Lord! So many thanks for your prayers and, all my family covet your continued prayers as all of us are in or awaiting treatment – but we know that God has the ultimate word over our lives.

God is great and it’s good to give him thanks always, not least when things go well!!

D.A.S. Ruth Escobar continues to lead the Social Action Department despite poor health.
CHINCHA: After Francisco sadly had to leave us it was once again difficult to find someone to fill the gap, so now we have a team working there twice a week to gather again the folks who were involved in the project, train them to reach out and ground them in God’s word. Pr. Ariste leads the teams.

Families Without Violence: We continue to do regular sessions in Lima and other states, and to quote one Pastor ‘How I wish I had heard this earlier, I have been counselling badly my members!’ Violence is a growing problem both inside as well as outside the church, and for many it’s a surprise to discover what God says in His word and for some it requires a change of culture….a local folk song goes…the more he hits me the more he loves me…

                                        Training session in an Andean Quechua Community

Civil Defense:  After a long wait we finally got our first course of the ground and they laughed their way through the learning to be confident citizens in disasters (we hope!)

Department for Missions: Pr. Pepe in January was confirmed as director and, along with a new team including Pr. Ariste, held the first retreat for national and international missionaries, a very special time. We also are planning for new outreach programmes.

Extra: I had the privilege of being part of a team which took over an NGO to get it back in order and finish an adult literacy course in Chepen, Libertad. 13 groups survived due to the tenacity of the teachers (most interestingly are Christians) and 125 graduated. 
                                                       Here are some of them....

1st Baptist Church Villa El Salvador: continues to grow under Pr. Tito and his wife Mariane, and it’s a joy to be there and share learn and help when I can.
We have just had a team from the states and another group of men have been on a men’s camp returning converted, inspired and resolute to change themselves and be better fathers husbands and citizens.
                                                       Victorious; Valiant; Men

Is it all so good?….yes and no, a lot of heartaches, programmes that did not work out at all or as planned, opposition from within not just without… But we are called to persevere and not give up, as God has the victory in His hands.

PLEASE do give thanks for all you have read because you have been a crucial part of it through your faithful prayers and giving…
And continue to Pray:
1)     God to continue to grant me and my family health and strength
2)     Ruth, Pepe, Ariste as they lead the work, plus Pr. Domingo the convention President.
3)     Wisdom for all the projects.
4)     That all the lives touched will truly know and follow Christ and so one by one we can change our society.